
Contemplative Prayer Day Retreat

What it is

Jesus throughout his ministry often took his disciples away for a time of restoration and retreat from the daily busyness of ministry and it should be no different for us, so we would love to extend our invitation to you to join us for an opportunity for silence and solitude at Restore.

Silence and solitude has been described as fasting from talking or taking a rest from interacting with others. It is simply unforced time alone with God, for physical, emotional, and spiritual rest. There is no one way to practice silence and solitude. We can come to God as we are.

Restore provides morning and afternoon sessions, based in the Restore garden studio to allow you to start, or continue, your practice of contemplative silence and solitude. 

small prayer shed

How it works

During the session we provide a set of contemplative readings and activities that we hope will allow you to focus on “the still small voice of God” during the session. But this will be your time for you to connect with God, so you are free to use them as you wish.
As well as the studio you are welcome to use the prayer hut in the corner of the garden and the ‘potting shed’ beyond the kitchen garden – we find that the small space and the view of the trees helps contemplation; of course, if the weather permits you can just sit in the garden if you wish.
We’ll start and end the session with a responsive prayer, you can if you wish at any stage just use the readings, or choose to take a more guided approach, if so, we will work through the readings and activities together.
Sessions are available on Thursdays 9:45 – 12:30 and 1:30 – 4:15 and can be arranged for Saturdays as needed. There is no charge, small donations are welcome.